Hello everyone,
This is my very first blog post, so I thought I'd do something quite laid back, 10 facts about me. A lot of YouTubers have done this! I hope you enjoy it - and be sure to come back later this week for another post, as I will be posting on Saturdays and Wednesdays.
1. I am an (incredibly random) average girl living in England, but my mum is Bulgarian and my dad is Australian!
2. My star sign is Sagittarius as I am born in mid- December. For some reason I'm obsessed with horoscopes and I seem to match my horoscopes - apparently Sagittarians (?) are meant to be extroverted, free, intelligent, happy, funny, honest, fair, arrogant (not sure about that one), clumsy (DEFINITELY), rebel, bored easily (YES), sensitive, quick-tempered and loud.
3. I love music - I sing, play piano, guitar and ukulele, sometimes write songs. (You will probably be annoyed by the amount of song lyrics/poems I post.)
4. As well as writing songs I also occasionally write stories. You might be hearing some of my shorter ones.
5. I am the QUEEN of weird food combos. Don't ask.
6. I love YouTube: my OTP is Zalfie and I have a Zoella fan account on Instagram: retro_zoella_lover. Go check it out.
7. This blog is where I'll post random stuff: my life experiences (God that makes me sound old), as I said, songs and stuff, how-tos and maybe some reviews and stuff.
8. My favourite singer is Ed Sheeran but I also like Sam Smith etc.
9. I LOVE RETRO. Everything retro: clothes, music, films, you name it. Especially the 1950s.
10. My favourite colour is purple but I also love pastel colours ATM.
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